Friday, May 22, 2020
The Battle Of The American Civil War - 1018 Words
On September 17, 1862, the Union and Confederate armies met near the Maryland village of Sharpsburg in a battle that still remains the single bloodiest day in American history. The battle consisted of many attacks and counterattacks between Union General George B. McClellan and The Army of the Potomac against Confederate Robert E. Lee and his Army of Northern Virginia. Despite being heavily outnumbered, the Confederates managed to fight relentlessly over the course of the struggle. However, after losing over a quarter of his forces, the following day General Lee pulls his army and retreats back to Virginia, ending the Confederate offensive attack. Although the Battle of Antietam was not a complete victory for the Union, it was a major†¦show more content†¦On the other hand, the battle and the Confederate retreat increased the morale in northern soldiers and civilians, including the Army of the Potomac. After months of despair and despondency, spirits and confidence had been lifted in the North. Newspapers and press rejoiced of the great victory and spoke of the wonderful outcomes the Nation will experience as a result for centuries to come. For instance, one daily newspaper, the New York Herald, declared that â€Å"the battle of Antietam has broken the back of the rebellion [and] changed the tide of affairs, and victory now attends us everywhere.†(138) This battle was the first time that the North had fought upon their own territory and soldiers, and civilians of western Maryland, began to feel a deep-seated American patriotism. FINAL SENTENCE Another significant outcome of Antietam was the issuing of President Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation. Two months earlier, Lincoln had called a meeting with the Cabinet to announce his intentions of issuing an Emancipation Proclamation. However, at this time, for both domestic and foreign reasons, members of the Cabinet counseled Lincoln to postpone issuing the proclamation until the Uni on was again experiencing military success. The Battle of Antietam proved to be the military victory that Lincoln and the Cabinet needed. On September
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Does Democracy Work - 856 Words
Democracy: a government by the people, in which citizens rule either directly or through elected representatives - the latter description more relevant to today’s societies. Quite evidently, democracy is not perfect; like any other political system, it is subject to a plethora of flaws. For instance, it is no secret that voters tend to make illogical decisions – not out of sheer malice, but as a result of being wrongly informed. Politicians also make erroneous choices, whether they do so because they are dishonest or simply out of touch with the true will of their constituents. Further, anyone who has studied the government of a parliamentary democracy knows gerrymandering can have a powerful say in determining elections. Despite these and†¦show more content†¦Allowing citizens to choose whether or not they vote, a practice restricted in certain democracies like Australia, can diminish the percentage of people who vote based on pure passion. Also, it is to be n oted that citizens vote based on self-interest, and because governments aim to please the majority of their citizens, having everyone vote is a helpful tool in determining what would benefit the majority of people. No matter how flawed, regular elections aid in the production of a variety of consequences that, albeit unintuitive at times, can be beneficial. Having mass involvement in elections creates a form of psychological pressure on both voters and politicians; without intending to, they allow everyone to have a voice, which results in voters feeling a pressure to be more involved citizens, and in politicians feeling a pressure to be more effective leaders. In the case that politicians do not live up to the ideals and criteria they were chosen for, a merit of democracy is that it allows the citizenry to punish these officials – not necessarily through extreme forms like impeachment, but perhaps by simply electing someone else in the forthcoming election. While, as previously addressed, not all participants in the election process vote based on truthful information, some citizens do. It must be remembered that not only those in authorityShow MoreRelatedHow Does Industrial Democracy Work?1579 Words  | 7 PagesHow Does Industrial Democracy Work In Europe And What Are Its Successes? Many countries have developed different methods of business management. Europe, for example, operates using industrial democracy. This type pf management requires consultation with the people and the union before making decisions and that is why it has been successful. Not only does it allow self-management for employees, but it also involves a more hands on approach with the union and has multiple levels of management. AlthoughRead More Does Democracy Work for the Entire World? Essay1413 Words  | 6 PagesDoes Democracy Work for the Entire World? 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Mindray Free Essays
Midday Is a small player In the global market, ranked at the ninth position globally with a world market share slightly above 1%. The market Is dominated by the â€Å"Big Three†(GE, Philips and Siemens) counting on over 75% of global market share. During the last decade Midday has been able to reach the leadership in the Chinese domestic market even though Ensures still has the highest revenues. We will write a custom essay sample on Mindray or any similar topic only for you Order Now The most powerful competitive advantage Midday can exploit it is a low cost educated labor force coming from the best Chinese universities and hired at one fifth of the salary marred to Its Western counterparts. The Idea Mainland has been developing since it was founded In 1991 was to become an International player and every single move has been made in that direction. First of all, Midday built all its products on proprietary intellectual property, Just to avoid of being dependent from other companies. Secondly, the fact of being a Chinese company allows Mainland to benefit from government provisions and financial help In many research projects. Moreover the low cost of labor allows the company to increase the percentage of revenues invested in RD. Finally, Mandarins ales model consisting in a distributor-based system has been working well for the last decade in China and fits perfectly with the global markets especially after the big companies abandoned the main distributors because they were too expensive. Midday has wisely focused its sales on second and third level hospitals, township health centers In rich regions, secondary hospitals and large private hospitals In less affluent areas In order to avoid direct competition with first and second tier companies. In order to be prepared to compete with the international large firms, Midday has titled an advanced RD center in Seattle where it develops more advanced medical device technologies. In the meantime Midday leads the Chinese medical RD research with several centers around the country In which low cost expertise, labor, raw materials and faceless are available. Because of all the facts mentioned above Mandarins products are Just a little bit less technologically advanced but much more competitive in terms of pricing than main competitors’ products. In 2007 Mandarins sales were concentrated more on international markets than on Chinese market. The company was able to distribute its products all over the world through Its distribution network and direct sales network. Despite of this, Mandarins performance In the US market was still not sufficient and even worse considering the leadership of USA in healthcare expenditures (42% of world total). The opportunity to acquire Teaspoon at a decent price could be a great deal for Midday to strengthen its international presence with a particular focus on the US market. Teaspoon and Midday have collaborated for 2 year from 2004 to 2006, without encountering any sort of problem and creating a great value on both sides. O benefit from the synergies created by combining Midday’s strong China-based engineering and production platforms with Teaspoon’s established brands, long standing reputation for high-quality products and service, its large and established direct sales and service team in the US and EX. and both companies’ leading RD capabilities. Given these advantages, it’s worth to consider the price for both the acquisition and a stand-alone market entry by creating a successful brand and an effective distribution network. In 2006-2007 the EVE/EBITDA multiple for acquisition in deiced healthcare industry was between 5,xx and 9,xx and this suggests an acquisition price included between $275 millions and $475 millions. Midday could reinvest the money it raised due to the successful listing at NYSE. The other option looks much more expensive not only in terms of money invested but also considering how many years it will take to implement such a strategy. In my opinion, after the acquisition Midday should continue targeting second and third level hospitals even in the USA in order to keep its big competitors quiet. Taking the position of GEE I would suggest to do not react at this acquisition for the allowing reasons: GEE has revenues of more than 20 times larger than Midday. GEE has already established a large part of its manufacturing in China where it leads the top tier company market share. GEE has better R, brand image and knowledge than Midday. GEE, Philips and Siemens are global leaders of a global oligopoly, which means that the smaller players must serve market niches if they want to survive, benefiting of lower profits and lower R % of revenues. In conclusion I would say that Midday has really good chances to reach the right size or Jumping into the top firms level competition but nowadays hasn’t any chance to compete against the global giants. Over the last years it has demonstrated to possess technical, technological and managerial skills to become a relevant player in the medical healthcare industry also possessing most of the Men’s competitive advantages. Nevertheless, leading such a competitive market requires the skills to develop extreme high quality products and Midday doesn’t possess those skills and reasonably it will never be able to develop them being a Chinese RD-based company. How to cite Mindray, Papers
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